Advice for VEX V5 Robotics Competition Team Captains

The V5RC team captain role has great responsibility and great rewards. Team captains support their team through victories and challenges. Keep in mind what matters most: learning and having fun.

Safety first. Follow your school’s safety rules and implement the V5RC game manual’s safety rules. Keep your workspace tidy.

Follow the engineering design process. This process shapes a team’s strategy to solve engineering problems. Display the engineering design process in the work area to refer to when your team undertakes a new project or asks, “What should we do next?”

Take the initiative. Spark your team’s interest and productivity. Share ideas and resources for new projects. The VEX Library and REC Library are your go-to for all things VEX.

Foster an environment of collaboration, teamwork, and sportsmanship. Teams should follow the REC Foundation Code of Conduct. Every team member should be included in significant decisions.

Set realistic goals that reflect your team’s vision. Setting SMART goals will support project management.  

Create a timeline and follow it. List goals, assign tasks, and record the resources your team needs to complete those goals. Allot time for each task. Set deadlines one to two weeks in advance of your team’s next tournament to avoid running out of time.

Communicate with your team outside of your designated work times. Share ideas. Schedule meetings. Track game manual updates. Update each other on the progress of the robot.

Familiarize yourself with each role. Identify which aspects of competitive robotics you know little about and learn from someone who is an expert. Research the VEX Library, REC Library, or VEX Forum.

Assign roles based on team members’ skills, enjoyment, and commitment. Check up on your teammates regularly. If they are doing their job well, compliment them. If they are struggling, work with them toward a solution. Help them learn the skills needed to fulfill their role. Allow them to switch to a role that reflects their unique talents.

Assign roles for competition day. Even small jobs—like charging the batteries—can affect the team’s performance.

Works Cited

This content was written by Grace Meyer from V5RC Team 3547H, and used with her permission. Grace is a member of the REC Foundation Student Advisory Board.