The VEX V5 Robotics Competition High Stakes field consists of the following:
- Five (5) Mobile Goals, each with one (1) Stake
- Four (4) Wall Stakes, one (1) per Alliance and two (2) neutral
- One (1) Ladder, with three (3) Levels and one (1) High Stake
- Forty-eight (48) Rings, twenty-four (24) of each color
- Four (4) Corners, two (2) Positive and two (2) Negative
Figure FO-1: Top view of the Field in its starting configuration, with highlighted Mobile Goals (orange), Alliance Stations (yellow), Corners (Green), and the Ladder (pink).
Note: The illustrations in this section of the Game Manual are intended to provide a general visual understanding of the game. Teams should refer to official field specifications, found in Appendix A, for exact field dimensions, a full field bill of materials, and exact details of field construction.
Figure FO-2: Top view of the Field in its starting configuration, with highlighted Rings (Red / Blue).
Figure FO-3: The recommended locations of the Field Monitor (green), Head Referee (black & white stripes), and Scorekeeper Referees (black & white checkerboard).