<S1> Be safe out there. If at any time the Robot operation or Team actions are deemed unsafe or have damaged a Field Element, Scoring Object, or the Field, the offending Team may receive a Disablement and/or Disqualification at the discretion of the Head Referee. The Robot will require re-inspection as described in rule <R3> before it may take the field again.
Violation Notes: Major S1 Violations should be reported to and/or discussed with the Event Partner during the event, and should be reported to the REC Foundation Rules and Conduct Committee following the event.
<S2> Students must be accompanied by an Adult. No Student may attend a VEX V5 Robotics Competition event without a responsible Adult supervising them. The Adult must obey all rules and be careful to not violate Student-centered policies, but must be present for the full duration of the event in the case of an emergency. Violations of this rule may result in removal from the event.
Violation Notes: S2 Violations should be reported to the Event Partner during the event, and should be reported to the REC Foundation Rules and Conduct Committee following the event.
<S3> Stay inside the field. If a Robot is completely out-of-bounds (outside the Field), it will receive a Disablement for the remainder of the Match.
Note: The intent of this rule is not to penalize Robots for having mechanisms that inadvertently cross the Field Perimeter during normal game play.
<S4> Wear safety glasses. All Drive Team Members must wear safety glasses or glasses with side shields while in the Alliance Stations during Matches. While in the pit area, it is highly recommended that all Team members wear safety glasses.
<S5> Each Student Team member must have a completed participant release form on file for the event and season. A Student Team member cannot participate in an event without a completed release form on file.