
This section provides rules and requirements for the design and construction of your Robot. A VEX V5 Robotics Competition Robot is a remotely operated and/or autonomous vehicle designed and built by a registered VEX V5 Robotics Competition Team to perform specific tasks.

There are specific rules and limitations that apply to the design and construction of your Robot. Please ensure that you are familiar with these Robot rules before beginning your Robot design. These “inspection rules” are verified prior to the beginning of each event, in a formal Robot Inspection.

Inspection Rules are “pass/fail”; there are no Major or Minor Violations, only Violations. The penalty for all Violations is the same, as outlined in <R3d> and <R28>.

Most of these rules are “hard limits,” such as the maximum number of motors permitted. However, some are “at inspector discretion,” such as determining a mechanism’s potential safety risk. At many events, the lead inspector and the Head Referee are the same person; if they are not, then the volunteer inspector should confirm any questionable judgment calls with the Head Referee. The Head Referee has final authority regarding all Robot rules, since it is ultimately their decision whether a Robot takes the field for a Match after inspection has concluded (per <R3d> and <R3e>).