<R1> One Robot per Team. Only one (1) Robot will be allowed to compete per Team at a given event in the VEX V5 Robotics Competition. Though it is expected that Teams will make changes to their Robot at the competition, a Team is limited to only one (1) Robot at a given event. A VEX Robot, for the purposes of the VEX V5 Robotics Competition, has the following subsystems:
  • Subsystem 1: Mobile robotic base including wheels, tracks, legs, or any other mechanism that allows the Robot to navigate the majority of the flat playing field surface. For a stationary Robot, the robotic base without wheels would be considered Subsystem 1.
  • Subsystem 2: Power and control system that includes a legal VEX battery, a legal VEX control system, and associated motors for the mobile robotic base.
  • Subsystem 3: Additional mechanisms (and associated motors) that allow manipulation of Rings, Field Elements, or Climbing the Ladder.

Given the above definitions, a minimum Robot for use in any VEX V5 Robotics Competition event (including Skills Challenges) must consist of subsystems 1 and 2 above. Thus, if you are swapping out an entire subsystem 1 or 2, you have now created a second Robot and have Violated this rule.

  1. Teams may not compete with one Robot while a second is being modified or assembled at a competition.
  2. Teams may not have an assembled second Robot on-hand at a competition that is used to repair or swap parts with the first Robot.
  3. Teams may not switch back and forth between multiple Robots during a competition. This includes using different Robots for Skills Challenges, Qualification Matches, and/or Elimination Matches.
  4. Multiple Teams may not use the same Robot. Once a Robot has competed under a given Team number at an event, it is “their” Robot; no other Teams may compete with it.
The intent of <R1a>, <R1b>, and <R1c> is to ensure an unambiguous level playing field for all Teams. Teams are welcome (and encouraged) to improve or modify their Robots between events, or to collaborate with other Teams to develop the best possible game solution. However, a Team who brings and/or competes with two separate Robots at the same tournament has diminished the efforts of a Team who spent extra design time making sure that their one Robot can accomplish all of the game’s tasks. A multi-Team organization that shares a single Robot has diminished the efforts of a multi-Team organization who puts in the time, effort, and resources to undergo separate individual design processes and develop their own Robots. To help determine if a Robot is a “separate Robot” or not, use the subsystem definitions found in <R1>. Above that, use common sense as referenced in <G3>. If you can place two Robots on a table next to each other, and they look like two separate legal/complete Robots (i.e., each has the 3 subsystems defined by <R1>), then they are two Robots. Trying to decide if changing a screw, a wheel, or a microcontroller constitutes a separate Robot is missing the intent and spirit of this rule.

<R2> Robots must represent the Team’s skill level. The Robot must be designed, built, and programmed by members of the Team. Adults are expected to mentor and teach design, building, and Programming Skills to the Students on the Team, but may not design, build, or program that Team’s Robot. See rules <G2> and <G4>.

In V5RC, we expect Adults to teach fundamental Robot principles like linkages, drive-trains, and manipulators, then allow the Students to determine which designs to implement and build on their Robot. Similarly, Adults are encouraged to teach the Students how to code various functions involving applicable sensors and mechanisms, then have the Students program the Robot from what they have learned.

<R3> Robots must pass inspection. Every Robot will be required to pass a full inspection before being cleared to compete. This inspection will ensure that all Robot rules and regulations are met. Initial inspections will take place during team registration/practice time. Noncompliance with any Robot design or construction rule will result in removal from Matches or Disqualification of the Robot at an event until the Robot is brought back into compliance, as described in the following subclauses.

  1. Significant changes to a Robot, such as a partial or full swap of Subsystem 3, must be re-inspected before the Robot may compete again.
  2. All possible functional Robot configurations must be inspected before being used in competition. This especially pertains to modular or swappable mechanisms (per <R1>) and Match starting configurations/sizes (per <R4>).
  3. Teams may be requested to submit to spot inspections by Head Referees. Refusal to submit will result in Disqualification.
    1. If a Robot is determined to be in Violation of a Robot rule before a Match begins, the Robot will be removed from the Field. A Drive Team Member may remain at the Field so that the Team does not get assessed a “no-show” (per <T5>).
  4. Robots which have not passed inspection (i.e., that may be in Violation of one or more Robot rules) will not be permitted to play in any Matches until they have done so. <T5> will apply to any Matches that occur until the Robot has passed inspection.
  5. If a Robot has passed inspection, but is later confirmed to be in Violation of a Robot rule during or immediately following a Match by a Head Referee, they will be Disqualified from that Match. This is the only Match that will be affected; any prior Matches that have already been completed will not be revisited. <R3d> will apply until the Violation is remedied and the Team is re-inspected.
  6. All Inspection Rules are to be enforced within the discretion of the Head Referee within a given event. Robot legality at one event does not automatically imply legality at future events. Robots which rely on “edge-case” interpretations of subjective rules, such as whether a decoration is “non-functional” or not, should expect additional scrutiny during inspection.

<R4> Robots must fit within an 18” x 18” x 18” volume.

  1. Compliance with this rule must be checked using the official VEX Robotics On-Field Robot Expansion Sizing Tool.
  2. Any restraints used to maintain starting size (i.e., zip ties, rubber bands, etc.) must remain attached to the Robot for the duration of the Match, per <G6>.
  3. For the purposes of this rule, it can be assumed that Robots will be inspected and begin each Match on a flat standard foam field tile.

    The official sizing tool is intentionally manufactured with a slightly oversized tolerance. Therefore, any contact with the sizing tool (i.e., a “paper test”) while being measured should be considered a clear indication that a Robot is outside of the permitted size. This tolerance also provides a slight “leeway” for minor protrusions, such as screw heads or zip ties.

    Other tools, such as custom sizing boxes or the legacy non-expanding VEX Sizing Tool (276-2086), may be used for informal checks. However, in the event of a conflict or “close call,” a check with the official On-Field Robot Expansion Sizing Tool takes precedence.

<R5> Robots may only expand horizontally in one direction. Robots who choose to expand horizontally must demonstrably meet all criteria listed in rule <SG2>. The configuration / “expansion direction” that is measured during inspection must also be the direction used during Match play.

<R6> Robots must be safe. following types of mechanisms and components are NOT allowed:

  1. Those that could potentially damage Field Elements or Scoring Objects.
  2. Those that could potentially damage other competing Robots.
  3. Those that pose an unnecessary risk of Entanglement with other Robots or Field Elements.
  4. Those that could pose a potential safety hazard to Drive Team Members, event staff, or other humans.

<R7> Robots are built from the VEX V5 system. Robots may be built ONLY using official VEX V5 components, unless otherwise specifically noted within these rules. Product pages on the VEX Robotics website should be used as the official definitive source for determining if a product is a “V5 component.”

  1. Products from the VEXpro, VEX EXP, VEX IQ, VEX GO, VEX 123, VEX CTE, VEX AIM, VEX AIR, or VEX Robotics by HEXBUG* product lines cannot be used for Robot construction, unless specifically allowed by a clause of <R7> or “cross-listed” as part of the VEX V5 Product lines. For example, Flex Wheels and VersaHubs are VEXpro components that can be found on the VEX “Flex Wheels” page, and specific sizes are thus legal.

    * The HEXBUG brand is a registered trademark belonging to Spin Master Corp

  2. The following electronics from the VEX Cortex control system are not permitted:




    VEXnet Joystick


    VEXnet Partner Joystick


    VEX ARM® Cortex-based Microcontroller

    276-2245 / 276-3245

    VEXnet Key 1.0 / 2.0


    2-Wire Motor 393


    3-Wire Servo


    VEX Flashlight


    Motor Controller 29

  1. The following electronics from the VEX Cortex control system are permitted:



    276-2174 / 276-4859

    Limit Switch V1 / V2


    Bumper Switch


    Optical Shaft Encoder




    Ultrasonic Range Finder


    LED Indicator


    Yaw Rate Gyroscope


    Analog Accelerometer V1.0


    Line Tracker




    Light Sensor

  1. Components that are unique to the V5 Workcell / CTE product line are not permitted. This includes the following:




    Robot Arm Metal


    Robot Brain Mount


    Input Output Conveyor


    Disc Feeder


    V5 Electromagnet

  1. VEX IQ pins are permitted.
  2. Components obtained from the V5 beta program, including V5 beta firmware, are not legal for competition use.
    1. All V5 beta hardware can be identified by its lighter gray pre-production color. Robot Brains, Robot Batteries, Controllers, and Vision Sensors from the V5 beta have a “BETA TEST” stamp on them. Smart Motors and Radios do not have this stamp, but can still be identified by color.
  3. Components from the VEXplorer kit that are not found in modern VEX V5 kits are not permitted. These include (but may not be limited to) electronics, wheels, non-standard gears, and plastic connectors.
  4. Legacy / discontinued products are only permitted if they are explicitly listed in this game manual, or still listed as V5RC or VRC legal on the VEX Robotics website.
Using VEX apparel, competition support materials, packaging, or other non-Robot products on a VEX V5 Robotics Competition Robot goes against the spirit of this rule and is not permitted.

<R8> Certain non-VEX components are allowed. Robots are allowed the following additional “non-VEX” components:

  1. Any material strictly used as a color filter or a color marker for a legal sensor, such as the VEX Light Sensor or the VEX V5 Vision Sensor.
  2. Any non-aerosol-based grease or lubricating compound, when used in extreme moderation on surfaces and locations that do NOT contact the playing field walls, foam field surface, Scoring Objects, or other Robots. Grease or lubricant applied directly to V5 Smart Motors or Smart Motor cartridges is prohibited.
  3. Anti-static compound, when used in extreme moderation (i.e., such that it does not leave residue on Field Elements, Scoring Objects, or other Robots).
  4. Hot glue when used to secure cable connections.
  5. An unlimited amount of rope/string, no thicker than 1/4” (6.35 mm).
  6. Commercially available items used solely for bundling or wrapping of 2-wire, 3-wire, 4-wire, or V5 Smart Cables, and/or pneumatic tubing are allowed. These items must solely be used for the purposes of cable/tubing protection, organization, or management. This includes but is not limited to electrical tape, cable carrier, cable track, etc. It is up to inspectors to determine whether a component is serving a function beyond protecting and managing cables and tubing.
  7. Non-functional 3D printed license plates, per <R9> and <R10>, are permitted. This includes any supporting structures whose sole purpose is to hold, mount, or display an official license plate.
  8. Rubber bands that are identical in length and thickness to those included in the VEX V5 product line (#32, #64, and 117B).
  9. Pneumatic components with identical SMC manufacturer part numbers to those listed on the VEX website. For more detail regarding legal pneumatic components, see the Legal VEX Pneumatics Summary document.
  10. Zip ties with identical dimensions as those included in the VEX V5 product line.
  11. A Micro SD card installed in the V5 Robot Brain.

See this REC Library article for more information.

<R9> Decorations are allowed. Teams may add non-functional decorations, provided that they do not affect Robot performance in any significant way or affect the outcome of the Match. These decorations must be in the spirit of the competition. Inspectors and Head Referees will have final say in what is considered “non-functional.” Unless otherwise specified below, non-functional decorations are governed by all standard Robot rules.

To be considered “non-functional,” any guards, decals, or other decorations must be backed by legal materials that provide the same functionality. For example, if a Robot has a giant decal that prevents Scoring Objects from falling out of the Robot, the decal must be backed by VEX material that would also prevent the Scoring Objects from falling out. A simple way to check this is to determine if removing the decoration would impact the performance of the Robot in any way.

  1. Anodizing and painting of parts is considered a legal nonfunctional decoration. Note: As of October 1, 2024, anodizing or color changing of parts (such as painting, etc., which changes the original appearance of parts) is no longer allowed in events in mainland China.
  2. Small cameras are permitted as non-functional decorations, provided that any transmitting functions or wireless communications are disabled. Unusually large cameras being used as ballast are not permitted.
  3. VEX electronics may not be used as non-functional decorations.
  4. Decorations that visually mimic Field Elements or Scoring Objects, or that could otherwise interfere with an opponent’s Vision Sensor, are considered functional and are not permitted. The Inspector and Head Referee will make the final decision on whether a given decoration or mechanism violates this rule.
  5. Internal power sources (e.g., for a small blinking light) are permitted, provided that no other rules are violated and this source only provides power to the non-functional decoration (i.e., does not directly or indirectly influence any functional portions of the Robot).
  6. Decorations which provide feedback to the Robot (e.g., by influencing legal sensors) would be considered “functional,” and are not permitted.
  7. Decorations which provide visual feedback to Drive Team Members (e.g., decorative lighting) are permitted, provided that they do not violate any other rules and serve no other function (e.g., structural support).

<R10> Officially registered Team numbers must be displayed on Robot license plates. To participate in an official VEX V5 Robotics Competition event, a Team must first register on robotevents.com and receive a V5RC Team number. This Team number must be displayed on the Robot using license plates. Teams may choose to use the official V5RC License Plate Kit, or may create their own.

  1. License plates must be placed on a minimum of two (2) horizontally opposing sides of the Robot (i.e., the top of a Robot is not considered a “side”), and must remain visible and attached for the entirety of the Match.
  2. Robots must use plates that match their Alliance color for each Match (i.e., red Alliance Robots must have their red plates on for the Match). It must be abundantly clear which color Alliance the Robot belongs to.
    1. If both colors of license plates are mounted on a Robot, then the incorrect color must be covered, taped over, or otherwise obscured. Since license plates are considered non-functional decorations, this is a legal non-functional use of tape.
  3. License plates are considered non-functional decorations (per <R9>), and must fulfill all relevant Robot rules (e.g., they must fit within the 18” cube, cannot functionally change the stability or rigidity of the Robot, cause Entanglement, etc.).
  4. Team numbers must be in white font, and clearly legible.
  5. License plates must be at least 2.48 inches (63 mm) tall and 4.48 inches (114 mm) wide, i.e., at least the height/width dimensions of the plates in the V5RC License Plate Kit.

The intent of this rule is to make it immediately apparent to Head Referees which Alliance and which Team each Robot belongs to, at all times. The 'wrong' color doesn't have to be 100% obscured, but being able to “see through” a Robot arm to the wrong color license plate on the opposite side of the Robot could cause confusion, and would be considered a Violation of <R10a>. It will be at the full discretion of the Head Referee and inspector at a given event to determine whether a given custom license plate satisfies the criteria listed in <R10>.

Teams wishing to utilize custom plates should be prepared for the possibility of this judgment, and ensure that they are prepared to replace any custom parts with official VEX license plates if requested. Not bringing official replacement plates to an event will not be an acceptable reason for overlooking a violation of one or more points in <R10>.

If a Robot must be removed from the Field based on this rule, <R3ci> applies and the Team should not be issued a “no-show.”


Fig R10-1: An example of a license plate made from the V5RC License Plate Kit.


Fig R10-2: An example of a legal custom license plate.

<R11> Let go of Scoring Objects after the Match. Robots must be designed to permit easy removal of Scoring Objects from any mechanism without requiring the Robot to have power after a Match.

<R12> Robots have one Brain. Robots must ONLY use one (1) VEX V5 Robot Brain (276-4810). Any other microcontrollers or processing devices are not allowed, even as non-functional decorations.

This includes microcontrollers that are part of other VEX product lines, such as VEX Cortex, VEX EXP, VEXpro, VEX CTE, VEX RCR, VEX IQ, VEX GO, or VEX Robotics by HEXBUG. This also includes devices that are unrelated to VEX, such as Raspberry Pi or Arduino devices.

<R13> Motors are limited. Robots may use any combination of VEX V5 Smart Motors (11W) (276-4840) and EXP Smart Motors (5.5W) (276-4842), within the following criteria:

  1. The combined power of all motors (11W & 5.5W) must not exceed 88W. This limit applies to all motors on the Robot, even those which are not plugged in.
  2. V5 Smart Motors, and EXP Smart Motors connected to Smart Ports, are the only motors that may be used with a V5 Robot Brain. The 3-wire ports may not be used to control motors of any kind.







    Qty of 11W Motors






    Qty of 5.5 Motors






<R14> Electrical power comes from VEX batteries only. Robots may use one (1) V5 Robot Battery (276-4811) to power the V5 Robot Brain.

  1. No other sources of electrical power are permitted, unless used as part of a non-functional decoration per <R9e>.
  2. There are no legal power expanders for the V5 Robot Battery.
  3. V5 Robot Batteries may only be charged by a V5 Robot Battery Charger (276-4812 or 276-4841).
  4. V5 Wireless Controllers may only be powered by their internal rechargeable battery.
    1. Teams are permitted to have an external power source (such as a rechargeable battery pack) plugged into their V5 Controller during a Match, provided that this power source is connected safely and does not violate any other rules, such as <G10> or <R16>.
    2. Some events may choose to provide field power for V5 Wireless Controllers. If this is provided for all Teams at the event, then this is a legal power source for the wireless remotes.

<R15> No modifications to electronic or pneumatic components are allowed. Motors (including the V5 Smart Motor firmware), microcontrollers (including V5 Robot Brain firmware), cables, sensors, controllers, battery packs, reservoirs, solenoids, pneumatic cylinders, and any other electrical or pneumatics component of the VEX platform may NOT be altered from their original state in ANY way.

  1. External wires on VEX 2-wire or 3-wire electrical components may be repaired by soldering or using twist/crimp connectors, electrical tape, or shrink tubing such that the original functionality and length are not modified in any way.
    1. Wire used in repairs must be identical to VEX wire.
    2. Teams make these repairs at their own risk; incorrect wiring may have undesired results.
  2. Teams must use VEXos version 1.1.3 or newer, found at https://link.vex.com/firmware. Custom firmware modifications are not permitted.
    1. The minimum version requirement is subject to change over the course of the season.
    2. When the minimum version is updated, Teams have a two week (14 calendar day) grace period from the time the minimum version is changed to update their firmware to the latest minimum version.
    3. VEX reserves the right to deem any firmware update critical, and remove the allowable grace period.
  3. Teams may make the following modifications to the V5 / EXP Smart Motor’s user-serviceable features. This list is all-inclusive; no other modifications are permitted. Where applicable, the components listed below (in the specific applications listed below) are permissible exceptions to <R21> Clauses c.ii.-c.iv. also apply to EXP Smart Motors (5.5W).
    1. Replacing the gear cartridge with other official cartridges.
    2. Removing or replacing the screws from the V5 Smart Motor Cap (276-6780).
    3. Removing or replacing the threaded mounting inserts (276-6781).
    4. Aesthetic/non-functional labeling (e.g., markers, stickers, paint, etc.).
  4. V5 Smart Motors (11W) must use an official VEX V5 gear cartridge. For the purposes of this rule, the gear cartridges found within the V5 Smart Motor are considered “part of the motor.” Therefore, any physical or functional modifications to official gear cartridges is not permitted. 11w V5 Smart Motors may only use official VEX motor cartridges.
  5. For the purposes of this rule, the V5 Smart Motor Cap is not considered “part of the motor.” Therefore, <R16> applies.

<R16> Most modifications to non-electrical components are allowed. Physical modifications, such as bending or cutting, of legal metal structure or plastic components are permitted.

  1. Internal or external mechanical repairs of VEX Limit and Bumper switches are permitted.
    1. Modifying the metal arm on the Limit Switch is permitted.
    2. Using components from these devices in other applications is prohibited.
  2. Metallurgical modifications that change fundamental material properties, such as heat treating or melting, are not permitted.
  3. Pneumatic tubing may be cut to desired lengths.
  4. Fusing/melting the end of legal nylon rope/string (see <R8e>) to prevent fraying is permitted.
  5. Welding, soldering, brazing, gluing, or attaching parts to each other in any way that is not provided within the VEX platform is not permitted. Rule <R8> clause D is an exception to this rule.
  6. Mechanical fasteners may be secured using Loctite or a similar thread-locking product. This may ONLY be used for securing hardware, such as screws and nuts.

<R17> Robots use VEXnet. Robots must ONLY utilize the VEXnet system for all wireless Robot communication.

  1. Electronics from the Cortex, VEX EXP, VEX CTE. VEXpro, VEX RCR, VEXplorer, VEX IQ, VEX GO, or VEX Robotics by HEXBUG product line are prohibited unless otherwise noted in <R7c> or <R13>.
  2. V5 Controllers may only be used in conjunction with a V5 Robot Brain.
  3. Teams are permitted to use the Bluetooth® capabilities of the V5 Robot Brain and/or V5 Controller in Team pits, practice fields, and Robot Skills Matches. However, VEXnet must be used for wireless communication during head-to-head Matches.
  4. Teams are permitted to use the Wi-Fi capabilities of the Vision Sensor in Team pits or outside of Matches. However, the Vision Sensor must have its wireless transmitting functionality disabled during Matches.

<R18> Give the radio some space. The V5 Radio must be mounted such that no metal surrounds the radio symbol on the V5 Radio.

It is fine to loosely encapsulate the V5 Radio within Robot structure. The intent of this rule is to minimize radio connection issues by minimizing obstructions between VEXnet devices. Burying a radio deep within a Robot may result in Robot communication issues.

<R19> A limited amount of custom plastic is allowed. Robots may use custom-made parts cut from certain types of non-shattering plastic. It must be possible to have cut all of the plastic parts on the Robot from a single 12” x 24” sheet, up to 0.070” thick.

  1. The intent of the area/thickness constraints is to limit the number of custom plastic parts used in Robot construction, not to define an absolute volume. For example, using a sheet which is 0.035” thick does not permit two 12” x 24” sheets’ worth of parts.
  2. Plastic parts do not have to be literally cut from the same original 12” x 24” sheet. However, all individual parts must be able to “nest” or rearrange into a 12” x 24” area.
    1. A collection of parts which theoretically have a total surface area of 288 square inches, but cannot be nested onto a single 12” x 24” sheet, would not be legal. See Figure R19-1.
  3. Plastic may be mechanically altered by cutting, drilling, bending, etc. It cannot be chemically treated, melted, or cast. Heating polycarbonate to aid in bending is acceptable.
  4. Legal plastic types include polycarbonate (Lexan), acetal monopolymer (Delrin), acetal copolymer (Acetron GP), POM (acetal), ABS, PEEK, PET, HDPE, LDPE, Nylon (all grades), Polypropylene, and FEP.
  5. Shattering plastic, such as PMMA (also called Plexiglass, Acrylic, or Perspex), is prohibited.
  6. Plastic sheets sold by VEX are considered “plastic” in the context of this rule, and are subject to the same limitations as “off-the-shelf” plastic sheets. Examples include the 276-8340 PET sheets, and the 217-6626 / 217-6627 polycarbonate sheets.
  7. This rule does not apply to 3D printed plastic parts. 3D printed parts are not permitted in the VEX V5 Robotics Competition, except as non-functional decorations (per <R9>) or as custom license plates (per <R10>).

Note: The phrase “as cut from a single 12” x 24” sheet” is intended to mean that all individual plastic pieces must be able to theoretically “nest” or rearrange into a 12” x 24” area. The plastic pieces do not have to be cut from the same original 12” x 24” sheet. Teams are encouraged to “map” plastic use on a 12” x 24” sheet of paper for reference at tournament inspection.


Fig R19-1: Custom plastic parts must fit within a single 12" x 24" sheet of plastic.

<R20> A limited amount of tape is allowed. Robots may use a small amount of tape for the following purposes:

  1. To secure any connection between the ends of two (2) VEX cables.
  2. To label wires and motors.
  3. To cover the backs of license plates (i.e., hiding the “wrong color”).
  4. To prevent leaks on the threaded portions of pneumatic fittings. This is the only acceptable use of Teflon tape.
  5. In any other application that would be considered a “non-functional decoration” per <R9>
  6. As an aglet at the end of rope/string to prevent fraying.

<R21> Certain non-VEX fasteners are allowed. Robots may use the following commercially available hardware:

  1. #4, #6, #8, M3, M3.5, or M4 screws up to 2.5” (63.5 mm) long, and M2.5 x 8mm screws.
  2. Shoulder screws cannot have a shoulder length over 0.20” or a diameter over 0.176”.
  3. Any commercially available nut, washer, standoff, and/or non-threaded spacer up to 2.5” (63.5 mm) long which fits these screws.

The intent of the rule is to allow Teams to purchase their own commodity hardware without introducing additional functionality not found in standard VEX equipment. It is up to inspectors to determine whether the non-VEX hardware has introduced additional functionality or not.

For the purposes of this rule, weight savings is not considered additional functionality.

If a key component of a Robot’s design relies upon convincing an inspector that a specialized component is “technically a screw,” it is probably outside of the spirit and intent of this rule. All specific dimensions listed in this rule are intended to be ‘nominal’ references to hardware sizes found within the VEX V5 product line and/or their metric equivalents.

<R22> New VEX parts are legal. Additional VEX components released during the competition season on www.vexrobotics.com are considered legal for use unless otherwise noted.

Some “new” components may have certain restrictions placed on them upon their release. These restrictions will be documented in the official Q&A, in a Game Manual Update, or on their respective product web pages.

<R23> Pneumatics are limited. A Robot’s pneumatic subsystem must satisfy the following criteria:

  1. Teams may use a maximum of two (2) legal VEX pneumatic air reservoirs on a Robot. The Air Tank 200mL (included in the 276-8750 V5 Pneumatics Kit) and the legacy (pre-2023) reservoir are both considered legal reservoirs.
  2. Pneumatic devices may be charged to a maximum of 100 psi.
  3. The compressed air contained inside a pneumatic subsystem can only be used to actuate legal pneumatic devices (e.g., cylinders).

Note: From a rules perspective, parts found in the V5 Pneumatics Kit (276-8750) and legacy (pre-2023) pneumatic parts may be used interchangeably. A Legal Pneumatics summary can be found in the VEX Library, which includes additional pneumatics information.

The intent of <R23a> and <R23b> is to limit Robots to the air pressure stored in two reservoir tanks, as well as the normal working air pressure contained in their pneumatic cylinders and tubing on the Robot. Teams may not use other elements for the purposes of storing or generating air pressure.

Using cylinders or additional pneumatic tubing solely for additional storage is in Violation of the spirit of this rule. Similarly, using pneumatic cylinders and/or tubing without any air reservoirs is also in Violation of the spirit of this rule.

The intent of <R23c> is to ensure that pneumatics are being used safely. Pressurized systems, such as a Robot’s pneumatic subsystem, have the potential to be dangerous if used incorrectly. This rule ensures the safety of participants, and prevents potentially unsafe uses in the future.

Another way of thinking of <R23c> is that “pneumatics should only be used with pneumatics.” Teams should not use compressed air as a means of actuating non-pneumatic devices such as screws, nuts, etc. For example, pulling a pin with a pneumatic cylinder is okay, but using air to actuate the pin itself is not.

<R24> One or two Controllers per Robot. No more than two (2) VEX V5 Controllers may control a single Robot.

  1. No physical or electrical modification of these Controllers is allowed under any circumstances.
    1. Attachments which assist the Drive Team Member in holding or manipulating buttons/joysticks on the V5 Controller are permitted, provided that they do not involve direct physical or electrical modification of the Controller itself.
  2. No other methods of controlling the Robot (light, sound, etc.) are permissible.
    1. Using sensor feedback to augment driver control (such as motor encoders or the Vision Sensor) is permitted.

<R25> Custom V5 Smart Cables are allowed. Teams who create custom cables acknowledge that incorrect wiring may have undesired results.

  1. Official V5 Smart Cable Stock must be used.
  2. Use of non-VEX 4P4C connectors and 4P4C crimping tools is permissible.
  3. V5 Smart Cables may only be used for connecting legal electronic devices to the V5 Robot Brain.

<R26> Keep the power button accessible. The on/off button on the V5 Robot Brain must be accessible without moving or lifting the Robot. All screens and/or lights must also be easily visible by competition personnel to assist in diagnosing Robot problems.

<R27> Use a “Competition Template” for programming. The Robot must be programmed to follow control directions provided by the VEXnet Field Controllers or Smart Field Control system.

During the Autonomous Period, Drive Team Members will not be allowed to use their V5 Controllers. As such, Teams are responsible for programming their Robot with custom software if they want to perform in the Autonomous Period. 

This may be tested during inspection, where Robots may be required to pass a functional "enable/disable" test. For more information on this, Teams should consult the help guides produced by the developers of their chosen programming software.

<R28> There is a difference between accidentally and willfully violating a Robot rule. Any violation of Robot rules, accidental or intentional, will result in a Team being unable to play until they pass inspection (per <R3d>).

However, Teams who intentionally and/or knowingly circumvent or violate rules to gain an advantage over their fellow competitors are in violation of the spirit and ethos of the competition. Any Violation of this sort should be considered a violation of <G1> and/or the REC Foundation Code of Conduct. A Team that circumvents a Robot rule for a competitive advantage should receive an immediate Disqualification for the current Match and be reported to the Event Partner for discussion with the REC Foundation Regional Support Manager. As a result of that discussion, the Team may be Disqualified from the event. The Violation should also be reported to the REC Foundation Rules and Conduct Committee following the event.