This section describes the Robot Skills Challenge rules for VEX V5 Robotics Competition High Stakes. All rules from “The Game” section of the manual apply to the Robot Skills Challenge, unless otherwise specified in this section.

In this challenge, Teams will compete in sixty-second (1:00) long Matches in an effort to score as many points as possible. These Matches consist of Driving Skills Matches, which are entirely driver controlled, and Autonomous Coding Skills Matches, which are autonomous with limited human interaction. Teams will be ranked based on their combined score in the two types of Matches

The Robot Skills Challenge playing field layout differs from the layout for Head-to-Head VEX V5 Robotics Competition High Stakes Matches, with the following modifications: 

  • In Autonomous Coding Skills Matches, the VEX GPS code strip must be installed on the Field
  • All 24 red Rings and all 5 Mobile Goals are used, but some start in different locations
  • Not all 24 blue Rings are used


The image below is a Top view of the Field in its starting configuration for a Robot Skills Match, with highlighted Rings (Red / Blue).
