<RSC1> All rules from “The Game” section of the manual apply to the Robot Skills Challenge, unless otherwise specified in this section.
Violation Note:
- In the Robot Skills Challenge, the standard definition of Match Affecting does not apply, since there is no winner and loser. When evaluating whether a rule Violation should be classified as a Major Violation or Minor Violation in the context of this criteria, the term “score affecting” can be substituted for “Match Affecting”. A Violation is considered “score affecting” if it resulted in a net increase of that Team’s score at the end of the Match.
- Violations of rules that occur during a Robot Skills Challenge Match should only affect the outcome of that Match and should not be considered when determining whether a Violation has been repeated during the event.
- In a Robot Skills Match, Scoring a Ring or Placing a Mobile Goal into a Corner while in Violation of Possession limits will be considered a Score Affecting Violation and will result in a score of 0 for that Match.
<RSC2> Teams may play Robot Skills Matches on a first-come, first-served basis, or by a pre-scheduled method determined by the Event Partner. Each Team will get the opportunity to play up to three (3) Driving Skills Matches and three (3) Autonomous Coding Skills Matches.
Teams should review the event agenda and their Match Schedule to determine when the best possible time is to complete their Robot Skills Matches. If the Robot Skills Challenge area closes before a Team has completed all six (6) Robot Skills Matches, but it is determined that there was adequate time given, then the Team will automatically forfeit those unused Matches.
Further details regarding Skills-Only Event logistics can be found in the REC Foundation Qualifying Criteria document.
<RSC3> Robots must start the Robot Skills Match in a legal starting position for the red Alliance.
- All Drive Team Members must remain in the red Alliance Station for the duration of the Match.
- Robots must meet all of the criteria listed in rule <SG1>.
- Teams must use one (1) red Alliance preload as described in rule <SG5>.
- The two (2) blue Alliance preload Rings are not used in Robot Skills Matches.
- Rule <SG10> does not apply, and Teams may freely use the blue Alliance wall Stake.
- Rule <SG11> does not apply.
<RSC4> Blue Rings may only be Scored as Top Rings on Stakes. Each Blue Ring only has a point value if it meets all of the following criteria:
- All red Rings in the Match have been Scored on Stakes and have point values.
- At least one red Ring is Scored below the blue Ring on that Stake.
- There is only one blue Ring on that Stake.
- No red Rings are Scored above the blue Ring on that Stake.
- Red Rings may also be Scored as Top Rings on Stakes, but rule <RSC5> applies.
<RSC5> Any red Ring Scored above a blue Ring on the same Stake will not have a point value.
<RSC6> If any Ring is Scored on a Stake but does not have a point value based on rule <RSC4> or <RSC5>, no Ring on that Stake will earn points as a Top Ring.
<RSC7> No Corner Modifiers.
- There are no Positive Corners or Negative Corners in Robot Skills Matches
- Each Mobile Goal Placed in a Corner will receive 5 points. Rule <SC5> and its note still apply, and only one Mobile Goal may be Placed in each Corner.
<RSC8> There is no requirement that Skills Challenge Fields have the same consistent modifications as the Head-to-Head Fields. For example, there is no requirement that all Skills Challenge Fields are elevated to the same height as Head-to-Head Fields. However, all Skills Challenge Fields at a single event must use the same type of field control and Field Perimeter, as described in rules <T23> and <T24>.
It is strongly recommended/preferred that all Skills Challenge Fields are consistent with each other, but this may not be the case in extreme circumstances.
In order to use non-conforming Head-to-Head Fields for Skills Challenge runs (e.g., during lunch), the following steps should be taken:
- Teams must be informed that the Head-to-Head Fields may have some differences from the Skills Challenge Fields (e.g., they might not have GPS strips).
- Teams must be given an opportunity to select which type of Field they want to use, i.e. they cannot be required to use the Head-to-Head Field for any Skills Challenge run.
<RSC9>There is no penalty for removing Mobile Goals or Rings from the Field during a Robot Skills Match. A Mobile Goal that leaves the Field should be returned to a position on the Autonomous Line. Any blue Rings encircling the Stake on a Mobile Goal that leaves the Field should remain on that Stake when returned to the Field. All other Rings that leave the Field should be returned such that they satisfy clauses A-E of rule <SG4>.