This document will provide Bill of Materials (BOM) information and detailed specifications for the Official Competition Field.

Teams who do not need an “official” field should refer to the separate low-cost field guide for cost
reduction options. Teams assembling the full Field should refer to the separate VEX V5 Robotics
Competition High Stakes Field Build Instructions.

Please note: This Field can utilize both the VEX Portable Competition Field Perimeter (276-8242) and
the VEX Competition Field Perimeter (278-1501) developed by VEX Robotics. Instructions and specifications for these field perimeters are available in separate documents and are important for the
field assembly.

This document is divided up into three sections:

  1. Field Overview
  2. Field BOM
  3. Field Specifications

There is also an accompanying STEP file which can be imported into most 3D modeling programs (e.g., Inventor, Sketchup, Solidworks, etc.). This 3D model shows the “official” setup of a VEX V5 Robotics Competition - High Stakes competition field, as well as detailed models of individual Field Elements.

For additional game-play detail, please refer to the VEX V5 Robotics Competition High Stakes Game Manual.