Version 3.0 - January 28, 2025
- Revised rule <SC5c> to specify that the Mobile Goal Base should be breaking the plane of the Corner
- Deleted <SC7c>, allowing Robots to count as Climbed to a Level while in contact with Mobile Goals
- Updated <SC9> to give a Ring Scored on the High Stake a three (3) point bonus, in addition to the standard three (3) points earned for a Top Ring
- Removed the Red Box from <SG3>
- Revised rule <SG6a> to specify that Rings Scored on a Stake are not included in a Robot’s Possession count
- Updated the Violation Notes of <SG6> to include both the winning and losing Alliances
- Updated rule <SG10> to include scoring for the Autonomous Period
- Updated rule <SG11> to extend positive Corner protection to thirty (30) seconds
- Updated the required firmware version in <R15B> to VEXos 1.1.5
- Updated rule <T21> to clarify intent
- Revised <VUG2b> and <VUG2d> to reference <SC7>, and clarify intent
- Added new Significant Q&A boxes throughout the manual
- Minor typo / formatting fixes
Version 2.2 - December 3, 2024
- Added rule <S5> as a new rule, stating that each Student must have a completed participant release form on file
- Updated <SC3b> and removed the red box to clarify intent
- Expanded <SC5a> to clarify intent
- Updated <SG1b> and <SG5> to clarify intent regarding preloads
- Updated the note of <SG7> to include portions of the Ladder
- Updated <R9> to include Head Referees having final say in what is considered “non-functional”
- Added a note to <R9a> stating that anodizing / color changing of parts is no longer allowed in mainland China
- Added a new bullet point to <T2> stating that Head Referees are not permitted to be Event Partners or a Judge Advisor for the same event
- Added a new bullet point to <T6> clarifying that Robots arriving late to a Match are not allowed to be placed on the Field
- Updated <T9> to clarify that Time Outs are three minutes, and cannot be rejected by Head Referees or Event Partners
- Updated <RSC9> to better clarify how Scoring Objects should be returned to the Field
- Updated <VUG2d> to clarify that a Robot contacting another Robot from their Team also receives protection
- Added new Significant Q&A boxes throughout the manual
- Minor typo / formatting fixes
Version 1.1 - August 6, 2024
- Added Grey Boxes throughout the manual to highlight significant Q&As pertaining to individual rules
- Rewrote the definition of Plowing
- Updated verbiage and added new figures to <SG2> to clarify intent
- Updated <SG5c> to include Scoring Objects
- Updated <SG10> to clarify Scoring for Rings that end the Match on the opposing color Alliance Wall Stake
- Updated <SG11> to clarify intent • Minor typo / formatting fixes
Version 1.0 - June 25, 2024
- Changed the Field layout such that Positive Corners and Negative Corners are now on the same side of the Field, rather than catercornered
- Updated Figures throughout the manual to display the new Corner layout
- Added a new definition of “Plane”
- Expanded <SC3> to clarify that Rings can only be counted for points once, even in situations where they qualify as Scored on multiple Stakes
- Updated Figures SC7-1 and SG3-1 to show Planes
- Updated <SC7di> to clarify intent
- Revised <SC8> to clarify the Autonomous Win Point requirements
- Added a new rule, <SC9>, that adds a 2-point bonus per Climb for whichever Alliance has a Ring Scored on the High Stake at the end of a Match
- Updated <SG2> to clarify that Robots may expand beyond their starting size and configuration
- Added an additional bullet to <SG3> and updated the red box to clarify intent
- Added an additional Violation Note to <SG4> to state that a Team will receive a Major Violation for removing three (3) or more Rings from the Field in a single Match
- Rewrote <SG5c> to clarify that preloads cannot start in a Scored location or in contact with Stakes
- Updated <SG9> to clarify that Teams cannot negate an opponent’s Climb by contacting their Robot with a Mobile Goal
- Added a new rule, <SG11>, to add a 10 second protection to Positive Corners at the end of a Match
- Updated <R10bi> to clarify intent regarding License Plates showing the wrong color
- Added two new bullets to <RSC3> to clarify that the blue Alliance Stake may be used in Robot Skills Matches, and that Positive Corners aren't protected at the end of a Match
- Updated <VUG1c> to reflect changes in <SG3>
- Added Section 7, VEX AI Robotics Competition
- Minor typo / formatting fixes
Version 0.2 - June 4, 2024
- Updated Figure SC3-2 to show a different angle that more clearly shows the Scored Rings
- Updated <SC8> to clarify that at least one Robot must be touching the Ladder
- Added a bullet to <SG5> to clarify that preloads may not start in a Scored location
- Updated <SG6> to clarify Possession limits
- Deleted <SG6a>; <SG6a-i> was moved into the main part of the rule
- Updated the Violation Note of <SG6> to clarify that an intentional Violation will be considered a Major Violation, rather than Match Affecting
- Updated <R16e> to clarify that <R8d> is an exception
- Updated <T10d> and <T10e> to clarify Ring and Mobile Goal weights
- Updated <RSC4> to clarify intent, and added a new bullet point
- Minor typo / formatting fixes
Version 0.1 - April 30, 2024
- Initial Release