VIQRC / V5RC Game Manuals and the REC Library are now available in 25 languages!
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If there are any conflicts between the Game Manual and other supplemental materials (e.g., Referee Certification courses, the VRC Hub app, etc.), the most current version of the printable PDF English Game Manual takes precedence.
If there are any conflicts between the Game Manual and other supplemental materials (e.g., Referee Certification courses, the VIQRC Hub app, etc.), the most current version of the printable PDF English Game Manual takes precedence.
Scoring Rules
All Scoring statuses are evaluated after the Match ends.
Scoring of the Autonomous Bonus is immediately after the Autonomous Period ends
Scored on a Stake criteria
Top Ring criteria
Placed in a Corner criteria
Corner modifiers to Scored Rings
Climbed to a Level criteria
Autonomous Win Point
High Stake bonus
Safety Rules
Be safe out there
Students must be accompanied by an Adult
Stay inside the Field
Wear safety glasses
Each Student Team member must have a completed participant release form on file for the event and season.
General Game Rules
Treat everyone with respect
V5RC is a Student-centered program
Use common sense
The Robot must represent the skill level of the Team
Robots begin the Match in the starting volume
Keep your Robots together
Don’t clamp your Robot to the Field
Only Drive Team Members, and only in the Alliance Station
Hands out of the Field
Controllers must stay connected to the Field
Autonomous means “no humans”
All rules still apply in the Autonomous Period
Don’t destroy other Robots
Offensive Robots get the “benefit of the doubt”
You can’t force an opponent into a penalty
No Holding for more than a 5-count
Use Scoring Objects to play the game
Specific Game Rules
Starting a Match
Horizontal expansion is limited
Vertical expansion is limited
Keep Scoring Objects in the field
Each Robot gets one Ring as a preload
Possession is limited to two Rings and/or one Mobile Goal
Don’t cross the Autonomous Line
Engage with the Autonomous Line at your own risk
Don’t remove opponents from the Ladder
Alliance Wall Stakes are protected
Positive Corners are protected during the endgame
Robot Rules
One Robot per Team
Robots must represent the Team’s skill level
Robots must pass inspection
Robots must fit within an 18” x 18” x 18” volume
Robots may only expand horizontally in one direction
Robots must be safe
Robots are built from the VEX V5 system
Certain non-VEX components are allowed
Decorations are allowed
Officially registered Team numbers must be displayed on Robot license plates
Let go of Scoring Objects after the Match
Robots have one Brain
Motors are limited
Electrical power comes from VEX batteries only
No modifications to electronic or pneumatic components are allowed
Most modifications to non-electrical components are allowed
Robots use VEXnet
Give the radio some space
A limited amount of custom plastic is allowed
A limited amount of tape is allowed
Certain non-VEX fasteners are allowed
New VEX parts are legal
Pneumatics are limited
One or two Controllers per Robot
Custom V5 Smart Cables are allowed
Keep the power button accessible
Use a “Competition Template” for programming
There is a difference between accidentally and willfully violating a Robot rule
Tournament Rules
Head Referees have final authority on all gameplay and Robot ruling decisions
Head Referees must be qualified
The Drive Team is permitted to immediately appeal a Head Referee’s ruling
Event Partners have final authority regarding all non-gameplay decisions
A Team’s Robot and/or Drive Team Member should attend every Match
Robots at the field must be ready to play
Match replays are allowed, but rare
Each Elimination Alliance gets one three-minute Time Out
Be prepared for minor Field variance
Fields may be repaired at the Event Partner’s discretion
The red Alliance places last
Qualification Matches follow the Match Schedule
Each Team will have at least six Qualification Matches
Qualification Matches contribute to a Team’s ranking for Alliance Selection
Qualification Match tiebreakers
Send a Student representative to Alliance Selection
Each Team may only be invited once to join one Alliance
Elimination Matches follow the Elimination Bracket
Elimination Matches are a blend of “Best of 1” and “Best of 3”
Small tournaments have fewer Alliances
Fields at an event must be consistent with each other
There are three types of field control that may be used
There are two types of Field Perimeter that may be used
Robot Skills Challenge Rules
All rules from “The Game” section still apply, unless otherwise noted
Skills Match Schedule
Robots must start the Robot Skills Match in a legal starting position for the red Alliance
Blue Rings may only be Scored as Top Rings on Stakes
Any red Ring Scored above a blue Ring on the same Stake will not have a point value
Top Ring criteria
No Corner Modifiers
Skills Challenge Fields do not require the same modifications as the Head-to-Head Fields
No penalty for removing Mobile Goals or Rings from the field during a Robot Skills Match
VEX U Game Rules
Different expansion
Different Climbing
Different autonomous
VEX U Robot Rules
Teams may use two (2) Robots in each Match
Teams may use any official VEX Robotics products
Fabricated Parts
Fabricated Parts must be made from legal Raw Stock
Raw Stock
Fabricated Parts may not be made from Raw Stock which poses a safety or damage risk
Fabricated Parts must be made by Team members
One (1) V5 Robot Brain and up to two (2) V5 Robot Radios
No motor restrictions
No sensor and other Additional Electronics restrictions
Unlimited amount of the following commercially available pneumatic components
Teams may use commercially available bearings on their Robot
VEX U Tournament Rules
VEX U Matches will be played 1-Team vs. 1-Team
Qualification Matches will be conducted in the 1v1 format
Elimination Matches will be conducted without an Alliance Selection
The Autonomous Period at the beginning of each Head-to-Head Match will be 30 seconds
The Driver Controlled Period is shortened to 90 seconds
Each Robot is allowed up to three (3) Drive Team Members in the Alliance Station
VEX U Student eligibility
VEX U Robot Skills Rules
Different Field layout for VEX U Robot Skills Matches
Both Robots must start in legal starting positions for the red Alliance
There are no preloads in VURC Robot Skills Matches
Scored Blue Ring criteria
VEX AI Game Rules
All <VUGx>, <SCx>, and <Sx> and rules apply as written
Drive Team Members are not permitted to interact with their Robots in any way
Teams are responsible for the actions of their Robots throughout the entirety of a Match
Robots may only Climb the Ladder on their Alliance’s side of the Autonomous Line
VEX AI Tournament Rules
The following VURC rules apply as written
VAIRC Teams may consist of Students that fall into one of the following categories
Students may only participate on one (1) VAIRC Team in a given season
VEX AI Robot Rules
All <VURx> rules apply as written.
Any components used for AI vision processing, are considered Additional Electronics
Crossover Teams are encouraged to build separate Robots, but it is not required