Scoring Rules
<SC1>  All Scoring statuses are evaluated after the Match ends.
<SC2>  Scoring of the Autonomous Bonus is immediately after the Autonomous Period ends
<SC3>  Scored on a Stake criteria
<SC4>  Top Ring criteria
<SC5>  Placed in a Corner criteria
<SC6>  Corner modifiers to Scored Rings
<SC7>  Climbed to a Level criteria
<SC8>  Autonomous Win Point
<SC9> High Stake bonus
Safety Rules
<S1>  Be safe out there
<S2>  Students must be accompanied by an Adult
<S3>  Stay inside the Field
<S4>  Wear safety glasses
<S5>  Each Student Team member must have a completed participant release form on file for the event and season.
General Game Rules
<G1>  Treat everyone with respect
<G2>  V5RC is a Student-centered program
<G3>  Use common sense
<G4>  The Robot must represent the skill level of the Team
<G5>  Robots begin the Match in the starting volume
<G6>  Keep your Robots together
<G7>  Don’t clamp your Robot to the Field
<G8>  Only Drive Team Members, and only in the Alliance Station
<G9>  Hands out of the Field
<G10>  Controllers must stay connected to the Field
<G11>  Autonomous means “no humans”
<G12>  All rules still apply in the Autonomous Period
<G13>  Don’t destroy other Robots
<G14>  Offensive Robots get the “benefit of the doubt”
<G15>  You can’t force an opponent into a penalty
<G16>  No Holding for more than a 5-count
<G17>  Use Scoring Objects to play the game
Specific Game Rules
<SG1>  Starting a Match
<SG2>  Horizontal expansion is limited
<SG3>  Vertical expansion is limited
<SG4>  Keep Scoring Objects in the field
<SG5>  Each Robot gets one Ring as a preload
<SG6>  Possession is limited to two Rings and/or one Mobile Goal
<SG7>  Don’t cross the Autonomous Line
<SG8>  Engage with the Autonomous Line at your own risk
<SG9>  Don’t remove opponents from the Ladder
<SG10>  Alliance Wall Stakes are protected
<SG11> Positive Corners are protected during the endgame
Robot Rules
<R1>  One Robot per Team
<R2>  Robots must represent the Team’s skill level
<R3>  Robots must pass inspection
<R4>  Robots must fit within an 18” x 18” x 18” volume
<R5>  Robots may only expand horizontally in one direction
<R6>  Robots must be safe
<R7>  Robots are built from the VEX V5 system
<R8>  Certain non-VEX components are allowed
<R9>  Decorations are allowed
<R10>  Officially registered Team numbers must be displayed on Robot license plates
<R11>  Let go of Scoring Objects after the Match
<R12>  Robots have one Brain
<R13>  Motors are limited
<R14>  Electrical power comes from VEX batteries only
<R15>  No modifications to electronic or pneumatic components are allowed
<R16>  Most modifications to non-electrical components are allowed
<R17>  Robots use VEXnet
<R18>  Give the radio some space
<R19>  A limited amount of custom plastic is allowed
<R20>  A limited amount of tape is allowed
<R21>  Certain non-VEX fasteners are allowed
<R22>  New VEX parts are legal
<R23>  Pneumatics are limited
<R24>  One or two Controllers per Robot
<R25>  Custom V5 Smart Cables are allowed
<R26>  Keep the power button accessible
<R27>  Use a “Competition Template” for programming
<R28>  There is a difference between accidentally and willfully violating a Robot rule
Tournament Rules
<T1>  Head Referees have final authority on all gameplay and Robot ruling decisions
<T2>  Head Referees must be qualified
<T3>  The Drive Team is permitted to immediately appeal a Head Referee’s ruling
<T4>  Event Partners have final authority regarding all non-gameplay decisions
<T5>  A Team’s Robot and/or Drive Team Member should attend every Match
<T6>  Robots at the field must be ready to play
<T7>  Match replays are allowed, but rare
<T8>  Disqualifications
<T9>  Each Elimination Alliance gets one three-minute Time Out
<T10>  Be prepared for minor Field variance
<T11>  Fields may be repaired at the Event Partner’s discretion
<T12>  The red Alliance places last
<T13>  Qualification Matches follow the Match Schedule
<T14>  Each Team will have at least six Qualification Matches
<T15>  Qualification Matches contribute to a Team’s ranking for Alliance Selection
<T16>  Qualification Match tiebreakers
<T17>  Send a Student representative to Alliance Selection
<T18>  Each Team may only be invited once to join one Alliance
<T19>  Elimination Matches follow the Elimination Bracket
<T20>  Elimination Matches are a blend of “Best of 1” and “Best of 3”
<T21>  Small tournaments have fewer Alliances
<T22>  Fields at an event must be consistent with each other
<T23>  There are three types of field control that may be used
<T24>  There are two types of Field Perimeter that may be used
Robot Skills Challenge Rules
<RSC1>  All rules from “The Game” section still apply, unless otherwise noted
<RSC2>  Skills Match Schedule
<RSC3>  Robots must start the Robot Skills Match in a legal starting position for the red Alliance
<RSC4>  Blue Rings may only be Scored as Top Rings on Stakes
<RSC5>  Any red Ring Scored above a blue Ring on the same Stake will not have a point value
<RSC6>  Top Ring criteria
<RSC7>  No Corner Modifiers
<RSC8>  Skills Challenge Fields do not require the same modifications as the Head-to-Head Fields
<RSC9> No penalty for removing Mobile Goals or Rings from the field during a Robot Skills Match
VEX U Game Rules



Different expansion 

Different Climbing

<VUG3>  Different autonomous
VEX U Robot Rules
<VUR1>  Teams may use two (2) Robots in each Match
<VUR2>  Teams may use any official VEX Robotics products
<VUR3>  Fabricated Parts
<VUR4>  Fabricated Parts must be made from legal Raw Stock
<VUR5>  Raw Stock
<VUR6>  Fabricated Parts may not be made from Raw Stock which poses a safety or damage risk
<VUR7>  Fabricated Parts must be made by Team members
<VUR8>  Springs
<VUR9>  Fasteners
<VUR10>  One (1) V5 Robot Brain and up to two (2) V5 Robot Radios
<VUR11>  No motor restrictions
<VUR12>  No sensor and other Additional Electronics restrictions
<VUR13>  Unlimited amount of the following commercially available pneumatic components
<VUR14>  Teams may use commercially available bearings on their Robot
VEX U Tournament Rules
<VUT1>  VEX U Matches will be played 1-Team vs. 1-Team
<VUT2>  Qualification Matches will be conducted in the 1v1 format
<VUT3>  Elimination Matches will be conducted without an Alliance Selection
<VUT4>  The Autonomous Period at the beginning of each Head-to-Head Match will be 30 seconds
<VUT5>  The Driver Controlled Period is shortened to 90 seconds
<VUT6>  Each Robot is allowed up to three (3) Drive Team Members in the Alliance Station
<VUT7>  VEX U Student eligibility
VEX U Robot Skills Rules
<VURS1>  Different Field layout for VEX U Robot Skills Matches
<VURS2>  Both Robots must start in legal starting positions for the red Alliance
<VURS3>  There are no preloads in VURC Robot Skills Matches
<VURS4>  Scored Blue Ring criteria
VEX AI Game Rules
<VAIG1>  All <VUGx>, <SCx>, and <Sx> and rules apply as written
<VAIG2>  Drive Team Members are not permitted to interact with their Robots in any way
<VAIG3>  Teams are responsible for the actions of their Robots throughout the entirety of a Match
<VAIG4>  Robots may only Climb the Ladder on their Alliance’s side of the Autonomous Line
VEX AI Tournament Rules
<VAIT1>  The following VURC rules apply as written
<VAIT2>  VAIRC Teams may consist of Students that fall into one of the following categories
<VAIT3>  Students may only participate on one (1) VAIRC Team in a given season
VEX AI Robot Rules
<VAIR1>  All <VURx> rules apply as written.
<VAIR2>  Any components used for AI vision processing, are considered Additional Electronics
<VAIR3>  Crossover Teams are encouraged to build separate Robots, but it is not required