Base Team - A V5RC or VURC Team whose members also compete in VAIRC on a Crossover Team.

Crossover Team - A VAIRC Team whose members also compete on a V5RC or VURC Base Team. See rules <VAIR3> and <VAIT3>.

Interaction Period - The 90-second (1:30) time period that follows the Isolation Period after the winner of the Isolation Period has been determined. Robots react only to sensor inputs and to commands pre-programmed by the Students into the Robot control system and can interact with the entire field during the Interaction Period. The Interaction Period replaces the Driver Controlled Period that occurs in V5RC and VURC Matches.

Isolation Bonus – A point bonus of six (6) points awarded to the Team that has earned the most points at the end of the Isolation Period. The Isolation Bonus replaces the Autonomous Bonus.

Isolation Win Point – One (1) Win Point (WP) given to an Alliance that has completed the Autonomous Win Point criteria set forth in rule <SC8>. The Isolation Win Point replaces the Autonomous Win Point.

Isolation Period - A 30-second (0:30) time period during which Robots operate only on their side of the field and react only to sensor inputs and to commands pre-programmed by the Students into the Robot control system. This Isolation Period replaces the Autonomous Period normally found in a VURC Match.